Today is just more or less an introduction.  I haven’t actually planned any profound rants for today, but I will give you an idea of what’s in store for the near future.  Essentially, I write a lot, and I have been toying with the idea of a blog for quite awhile without actually doing much except for poking around places to put it.  In my browsing, I ran across this browser called “Vivaldi,” and it offered a place to set up a blog that seemed pretty easy to use, so voila! Here I am.

I figured that, since I love to flap my jaws a lot and hunt-and-peck finger twiddle on the keyboard about a lot of different subjects, that it would be more convenient to let my creative juices flow in this manner.  The first thing I will say is that the idea of a blog is a fantastic thing where one can spill his or her guts out for the world to see, pretty much with impunity.  My Facebook friends know that I go nuts when I see things in the political arena that defy all logic and common sense, and it is probably why, out of more than 1,750 Facebook friends, less than 200 are actual followers!  I hope I can do better than that in this particular forum of mine.

As I have done with my Facebook page, I will intersperse humor when I run across it, and most of you know I have a truly sick sense of humor.  My favorite style of humor is in the same vein as Gary Larson’s “The Far Side.”  However I DO like MOST humor as long as it does not get too raunchy.

Just in case you are curious about the name, I wanted to convey the idea that before you can have a viable, active living organism, you must have a liquid inside a cell in order for the cell to function.  If you remember anything about your elementary biology, a cell consists of a membrane filled with a liquid called protoplasm.  An amoeba is an elementary organism that is essentially a tiny bag of protoplasm wit the items inside the cell that it needs in order to function, such as the nucleus that contains its DNA with its chromosomes and genes that allow it to find food, consume it, break it down, and restructure it into more amoebas.  So if this liquid, protoplasm, is fundamental to the function of this small organism, then I wanted this blog to be fundamental to understanding not only my own opinions, knowledge, and why I think and believe the way I do, but to combine them with the opinions, knowledge and wisdom of others into new ideas of thought that give new insights to readers that they might not have seen together in one place to reach new conclusions.

Well I am going to make this, the very first Patriot Protoplasm posting pretty short and sweet.  I will not always be so brief, depending on the subject matter and how much needs to be said to provide adequate understanding.  At first, my postings will be fairly sporadic, unless I begin to pick up sponsors, in which case I will try to wade through and condense the news on a daily basis.  God bless you all, God bless America, and thank you for visiting!

I hope you will join me again next time.

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